Ibnu Barri

seeking new experiences and seeking regular income
Accounting, Administration staff, Finance, Banking, purchasing Officer, Marketing support, Event & publicity
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Fishing, Travelling, Internet browsing
Thu, 31/12/2015

ATTN : HRD Manager

Dear Sir / Madam

My name is Ibnu Barri, I’m 27 years old. I have Graduated from Gunadarma University, Faculty of economic majoring Management S1 with GPA 3,11 April 2010.

I'm here to seek for new job,
I’m an active and hard worker young men with excellence both interpersonal and Communication Skill, Willing to learn and work. Good analytical thinking, highly motivation, strong management and leadership skill has became my added value, beside that I can operate computer Office likes (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Photoshop Cs, Corel Draw and troubleshooting PC

Sir / Madam, I hope that I can meet your requirement and hiring me,
Thank you for your time and your cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Ibnu Barri,SE